
Authorssort descendingYearTitle
M. Boulard2002[TITLE BLANK]
M. Boulard1990Contributions a l'entomologie general et appliquee. 2. Cicadaires (Homopteres Auchenorhynques). Premi
M. Boulard1972Classification raisonn
W. E. China1924The Hemiptera-Heteroptera of Rodriguez, together with the description of a new species of cicada from that island
M. S. Moulds2005An appraisal of the higher classification of cicadas (Hemiptera: Cicadoidea) with special reference to the Australian fauna
J. G. Myers1928A new cicada from Arabia
A. J. E. Orian1963A new genus of Cicadidae (Homoptera) from the island of Rodriguez with notes on nomenclature of the family
J. A. Quartau, Pinto, G. A., Boulard, M.1998VIII Congresso Ib,rico de Entomologia, _vora, Portugal, 7-11 de Setembro 1998: 106 Statut acoustique et comportement sonore de quelques Cigales tha
M. H. Villet1999Re-evaluation of Ashton's types of African cicadas (Homoptera Cicadidae)
M. H. Villet1999The cicada genus Nyara n. gen. (Homoptera Cicadidae): systematics, behaviour and conservation status
M. H. Villet1999A new cicada of the genus Severiana Boulard 1972 (Homoptera: Cicadidae) from northern Namibia
M. H. Villet1999On two species of Paectira Karsch (Hemiptera: Cicadidae) from Kenya
M. H. Villet1997Redescription of three species of the genus Platypleura Amyot & Serville 1843 (Hemiptera Cicadidae)
M. H. Villet1997The cicada genus Stagira St
M. H. Villet1994The cicada genus Tugelana Distant 1912 (Homoptera Cicadoidea): systematics and distribution
M. H. Villet1994The cicada genus Stagea n. gen. (Homoptera Tibicinidae): systematics
M. H. Villet1993The cicada genus Bavea Distant 1905 (Homoptera Tibicinidae): redescription, distribution and phylogenetic affinities
M. H. Villet1987Three new platypleurine cicadas (Homoptera: Cicadidae) from Natal, South Africa
Scratchpads developed and conceived by (alphabetical): Ed Baker, Katherine Bouton Alice Heaton Dimitris Koureas, Laurence Livermore, Dave Roberts, Simon Rycroft, Ben Scott, Vince Smith